Pastor’s Notes

ā€œPRO ā€“ Abundant Life & Living Waterā€

A few years ago I noticed a photo from Annual Pro-Life March in DC.  Some young kids with big smiles held signs that boldly said, ā€œI am Proā€“Abundant Life.ā€ That is where we start our parish mission this weekend, with Sister Eileen.  How do we do that?  Non-harming is what that ancient vow that the Mahatma Gandhi called his work for the independence of India. A consistent reverence for all that is alive – most especially the miracle of human life. For us Christians, It is connected to the gift of the living waters of Baptism. Everything is sacred.

The third week of Lent always reminds me of the Beer commercials that are constantly battling with each other best libation for TV sports and the US ā€œcouch-potatoā€ market. One of their most convincing arguments has to do with the water they use for brewing. ITā€™S THE WATER, ā€œ they say…  Water is not just precious for ā€œbeer-ing,ā€ but drinking, cleansing, healing and giving life. We humans can go for over a month without food, but only a short time without water. 

The gospel reading tells us about a woman who goes to a well and there is promised water with properties far beyond her wildest imagining.  The famous encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well is our weekendā€™s Gospel; especially chosen for the ā€œElectā€ and candidates for Easter sacraments.  We pray they taste living water among us that will sustain through almost any of lifeā€™s ā€œtestings.ā€  We pray an exorcism over them mid ā€“Mass that they be delivered from all that impedes profound eternal life.

Jesus crossed some serious gender, religious, and social divides to converse with this nameless lady.  The first place the Gospel moved after the resurrection was to the community of Samaria.  Human communion is our gift to our planetā€™s people.  We do it at Mass every day. And even with the social distancing of this pandemic.  When we give from our means, when we forgive a grievance, when we follow the Spirit into a new culture, or take risks with civility across any divide, when we build friendship with someone whose sees life differently, we leave behind living water to quench the human thirst.  One of the last words from the cross was,  ā€œI thirst.ā€  Imagine God thirsts for relationship with us? That realization is like a drink of chilled water on a hot Arizona day.

Wash your hands and stay safe! We continue to use the protocols of the Diocese to protect the safety of our parishioners at our Basilica liturgies.  We can bring to bear our experience of abundant life to assist each other, sharing – as opposed to hoarding – and putting ourselves at the disposal of healing and self-giving care.   Stay with us these Lenten days.

A gentle week,
Fr. Michael Weldon, OFM

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