Prayer Request

The Prayer of Petition

This is a prayer that takes many forms: to ask, to implore, to plead, to cry out.  In each case, it acknowledges how much we depend on God for our needs, including forgiveness and persistence in seeking him.  We need to practice the prayer of petition, remembering Christ’s call to ask in order to receive, to seek in order to find, and to knock in order that the door may be opened (cf. Mt 7:7).

Jesus Christ himself, our great High Priest, incessantly intercedes for us.  God calls us also to interceded for each other and even for our enemies.  Intercessions for others are part of the Mass at St. Mary’s Basilica.  If you wish to include your prayers of petition in our prayers of intercession please email our Front Desk Receptionist.

Submit a Prayer Request

Your prayer request will be added to our Book of Petitions that are located in front of the Blessed Mother Altar at St. Mary’s Basilica.  Priests, parishioners and visitors to the Basilica will be able to read your prayers of petition and offer up a prayer of intercession on your behalf.  Only your first name and prayer request will be shown in the Book of Petition.

Front Desk Receptionist
Email:  [email protected]