Pastor’s Notes

“Once upon a timeā€¦.ā€œ These are Advent words.  ā€œThe Days are coming,ā€ crones the Prophet Jeremiah like Bing Crosby.  His words tickle our fancy with a time to come when all Godā€™s children can dwell together in harmony.   It takes imagination to do this…

Pastor’s Notes

Give Ear & Remember.Ā Ā  We near the end of the liturgical year and the Scriptures point our thoughts toward ultimate things. In the northern hemisphere, nature itself prompts us to reflect on the end of life and questions about the afterlife. Ā Our usual tendency…

Pastor’s Notes

ā€œWhat God has joined togetherā€¦ā€ We honor this precious mystery of our faith in the weekend close to St. Francis of Assisiā€™s feast.Ā  This teaching is more than for married couples. Ā It is a human truth. We are made for relationships. It is in…