Pastor’s Notes

“Comfort” “Comfort, give comfort to my people,” old Isaiah the prophet cries out in the first reading of this Sunday. Comfortable
These words are connected with an Advent tension. They leave musical echoes of Handel’s Messiah ringing our ears. But for Israel, after all the…

Pastor’s Notes

“Once upon a time” “AlgĂșn dĂ­a,” someday,” “somehow, “someone” will pull it together! These coming weeks of Advent celebrate possibilities. “On that day,” says the prophet Isaiah, a vision of the ways things can be will be realized. But wait. There is more. Our…

Pastor’s Notes

God’s High Society The Solemnity of Christ the King is the last Sunday in Ordinary Time. This season has been anything like Ordinary. The history of this feast dates to 1925 when the fascists were coming into power in Italy, Spain and finally Germany….