Pastor’s Reflection

Divine Mercy

IĀ like to call this Second Easter Sunday, ā€œWound Sunday.ā€ Pope St. John Paul II left us his devotion to the DIVINE MERCY of God. This Second Easter Sunday has taken that name. But the power moving from the scars of the Risen Christ, turn…

Pastor’s Reflection

“Alleluia!”Ā  Nice to say that word again after Lent’s forty days!Ā  It says, “Yes it is!Ā  Praise God.”Ā  The tomb is empty but we have found eyes that see in the dark.Ā  Amidst the losses, betrayals and tragedies that life throws at us, lives…

Pastor’s Reflection

A quote sometimes attributed to Dorothy Day answers the question of just what Pope Pius XIII could have done to stand up to Hitler when the Jews were being rounded up and shipped to concentration camps:Ā  “He could have ridden into Berlin on a…