Pastor’s Notes

The city of Chicago boasts these days of only two seasons: winter and under construction. The Reformation taught us that Church is “SEMPER REFORMATA – ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION.   Lent is our annual ecclesial reshaping. The Gospel can shine through us better when we get…

Pastor’s Notes

Last week we remembered a “disarmed” God. In the ancient story of Noah, he put aside his “right” to bear arms, and then hung up his weapon on a rainbow for all to see. Lent is a season for disarmament. If God can put…

Pastor’s Notes

St. Francis’s first taste of human freedom had to do with lepers. Hansen’s Disease scared the “Be Jesus” out of this handsome teen from medieval Assisi.  He wrote in his Testament many years later… “WHILE I WAS IN SIN, IT SEEMED VERY BITTER FOR…