Pastor’s Notes

“&” It’s my new favorite computer icon for the Ascension.  Isn’t is a mysterious symbol?  Fr. Cletus Tipner showed us how to use it in typing class at St. Mary’s High School in 1969.  Finger exercises for using a standard typewriter separated the men…

Pastor’s Notes

“I will not leave you orphans. I’ll come to You”  The fear of being orphaned haunts we human beings from birth.  The ultimate abandonment terrifies us especially before we have the ability to take care of ourselves.  And it eventually finds us when our…

Pastor’s Notes

“Troubled hearts” Thomas and Philip figure prominent in this weekend’s Scriptures.   Both have troubled hearts and bring them to Jesus.  To troubled hearts of any generation, we Christians have something to say.  We live in troubled times.  After more than eight weeks of troubled…