Pastor’s Notes

“Turning Around; Turning Out” “Catholic Guilt.” Those are words that after decades still stop us religious folks cold.  Does it still motivate? “I am a recovering Catholic,” really does it for me. Perhaps we all need to recover our Catholicism. The readings invite us…

Pastor’s Notes

Something Good is Coming! “The Kingdom of heaven is like…” When you hear these words in Matthew’s and Luke’s Gospels, something good is coming. There is a story I love to tell in funerals of an elderly woman recently diagnosed with a terminal illness. She…

Pastor’s Notes

“70 X 7 Times” “Say what?” I have always loved the extent of that deeply American question. St. Matthew’s Jesus challenges the limits of interpersonal forgiveness, “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive? As many as seven times?” The…