Pastor’s Notes

DIVINE FAMILY LIVES Sometimes I think we idealize the Holy Family. Or remember their story selectively. But the Scriptures of this Sunday immediately after Christmas indicates otherwise. This family, like…” every family,” Katherine Hepburn said in “A Lion in Winter,“ has its problems.” A…

Pastor’s Notes

“Pause” We need to “do” Christmas this year! After the loses of the pandemic and the continued uncertainty of our national consensus, we long for harmony. We don’t agree on so much as a nation. The reading of 4th Advent focus on making a…

Pastor’s Notes

“PRE-JOICE” The Latin, “gaudete” means “re-joice.” Do joy over again.  Maybe repeatedly. It comes from the first word of the Entrance Antiphon for this 3rd Advent Sunday. The spirit of joy that begins this week comes from the words of Paul, “The Lord is near.”…