First Reconciliation

Our sacramental preparation program for First Reconciliation, designed for second grade and above, is called Together in Jesus. The program consists of five integrated components that you and your child will need to complete before receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation:

  • Classroom Component with Parent / Caregiverreconciliation
  • Family Component
  • Prayer Component
  • Service Component
  • Retreat Component
Program Requirements

Together in Jesus First Reconciliation program at St. Mary’s Basilica has been designed to fulfill the requirements put forth in the Diocese of Phoenix Sacrament of First Confession Policy and Guidelines 2006. By completing the above preparation components, your child will meet the criteria for readiness to receive First Reconciliation.  Please review the First Reconciliation Program Requirements for 2023-2024 for detailed information on each component of preparation for First Reconciliation.
Program Requirements:

Child’s Readiness

The Diocese of Phoenix states, “Parents and the parish catechetical leader, together with the pastor are responsible for determining when children are ready to receive First Reconciliation.” The Diocese of Phoenix has provided the following criteria for readiness:

  • jesus_childrenAn awareness that God loves them.
  • Regular participation in Sunday Mass. (Determined by participation in CLOW.)
  • Prayer is a part of the child’s life and is also experienced within their family.
  • A growing ability to distinguish between accidents and the right and wrong choices they make.
  • A capacity for sincere sorrow and the ability to change their actions.
  • The ability to express sorrow for sin.
  • A knowledge that relationships with God and others can be broken through sin.
  • An understanding that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a special sign of God’s forgiveness.

By completing the five preparation components, your child will meet the criteria for readiness to receive First Reconciliation.  In addition, the Diocese of Phoenix also requires that children in First Reconciliation preparation be involved in the parish’s ongoing catechetical formation program (Children’s Ministry).

For More Information

Director of Mission
Jose Reyes
(602) 354-2068
Email: [email protected]