First Eucharist and Confirmation

Our sacramental preparation program for Confirmation and First Eucharist, designed for third grade and above, is called Together in Jesus. The program consists of five integrated components that you and your child will need to complete before receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist:

  • Classroom Component with Parent / CaregiverConfirmation
  • Family Component
  • Prayer Component
  • Service Component
  • Retreat Component
Program Requirements

Together in Jesus Confirmation and First Eucharist program at St. Mary’s Basilica has been designed to fulfill the requirements put forth in the Diocese of Phoenix Sacrament of Confirmation and First Eucharist Policy and Guidelines 2009. By completing the above preparation components, your child will meet the criteria for readiness to receive Confirmation and First Eucharist.  Please review the Confirmation and First Eucharist Program Requirements for 2023-2024 for detailed information on each component of preparation for Confirmation and First Eucharist.

Selecting a Confirmation Sponsor

Every candidate should have a Confirmation sponsor. Candidates may have more than one sponsor, however, only one should be designated as the liturgical sponsor who presents the candidate for Confirmation. It is desirable that baptismal godparents, as extensions of the spiritual family, continue this role at Confirmation. Sponsors should be actively involved in the child’s life of faith before, during, and after Confirmation.

Qualifications of a sponsor:
Sponsors must be at least sixteen years old. They may not be the natural or adoptive parents of the Confirmation candidate. They must be fully initiated into the Catholic Faith (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist). They must be leading a life in harmony with the Faith. They must be free of any canonical impediment (RC 5-6; Canon 874, 892-893; CCC 1311; RCI

Child’s Readiness

The Diocese of Phoenix states, “Parents discern the readiness of their children to prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist in consultation with their pastor or his delegate.” The following are the criteria for readiness at St. Mary’s Basilica:

  • An awareness of God’s unconditional love for them.
  • Regular participation in Sunday Mass. (Determined by participation in CLOW.)
  • Prayer is a part of the child’s life and is also experienced within their family.
  • Must have previously been prepared for and received the Sacrament of Reconciliation (ordinarily occurs in Second Grade).
  • Must be properly instructed.  (Needs to complete Together in Jesus Confirmation and First Eucharist program.)
  • Consistent attendance at formation sessions.jesus_children
  • Must be capable of renewing their Baptismal promises.
  • Participation in a Family Sacraments of Initiation Retreat.
  • Willingness to participate in community service.

By completing the six preparation components, your child will meet the criteria for readiness to receive Confirmation and First Eucharist.  In addition, the Diocese of Phoenix requires that children in First Reconciliation preparation be involved in the parish’s ongoing catechetical formation program (Children’s Ministry).


For More Information

Director of Mission
Jose Reyes
(602) 354-2068