Children’s Liturgy

jesus_childrenHistory of “Liturgy of the Word with Children”

In the first Synod of Bishops held in Rome in 1967, the topic of helping children participate in the liturgy became a priority.  It was decided that children’s participation could be aided by shortening, omitting, or making a better selection of text which could be understood at a child’s level.  With that in mind, the Congregation of Divine Worship prepared the Directory of Masses with Children as a supplement to the revised Roman Missal, published in 1969.  On October 22, 1973, the Directory was approved, confirmed, and ordered to be made public by Pope Paul VI.  This was one of the first documents issued by Vatican II.  St. Mary’s Basilica is happy to offer the Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) during Sunday’s 9 AM Mass.

Children Celebrate!
Liturgy of the Word with Children

St. Mary’s Basilica utilizes Children Celebrate! published by Pflaum Group Publishing to help us implement and deliver Liturgy of the Word with Children (CLOW).  The below link will give you a preview of a typical Sunday CLOW experience.  Preview: Children Celebrate!

CLOW Example Video:

For More Information:

Director of Mission
Jose Reyes
Phone: 602-354-2068
Email: [email protected]