Pastor’s Notes

The wolf and the Lamb, the leopard the kid, the baby and cobra … Imagine? Interspecies friendships are the rage on social media these days. It happens!   Opposites resolve.  Violence disappears in forgiveness.  ”CHANGE, ADJUSTMENT, CONVERSION, TRANSFORMATION.   Whatever we want to call this very…

Pastor’s Notes

A refrigerator magnet, “Save the Date,” is often the first step of announcing a wedding these days. The official invitation follows announcing what everyone already knows.  “The end is near!” at least as far as the single life.  Two people who had autonomous, independent…

Pastor’s Notes

The weather in Arizona’s central desert has finally changed. As we crawl to the end of the Church’s liturgical year, the tone becomes more “eschatological” – a great big word meaning having to do with the end times.  At the end of the day,…