Pastor’s Notes

Over My Dead Body

One of Pope Francis’s most famous and early quotes had to do with sheep-smell. He said that Priestly leaders must know the folks to whom they preach and hence the smell of the sheep.  Wet sheep smell is not pleasant in my brief farm experience!

While we call this “Good Shepherd Sunday,” our readings this “A” cycle are more about barn architecture… the “gate,” then the country herder of sheep.  At least at first glance.   Jesus’ reflection in the Gospel of John comes in reply to the questions of a not-so-friendly crowd of religious leaders who had just thrown out a formerly blind man from their company.  They were Israel’s official gate-keepers and were miffed that this formerly vision-challenged “sinner” seemed to know more about God than they did.  We read it recently at one of the “Scrutiny” Sundays of Lent.  Country shepherds would make a shelter of big stones and brush to enclose the sheep in their care for safety during the night.  The shepherd literally used his body as the gate, when all were safely “tucked in” his impromptu enclosure.  He’d sleep in that spot, with his shepherd crook nearby to fight off invaders.  No one got to the flock except literally, “over his dead body!”

My mom used to use that image with her teen aged children when she meant emphatically, NO!” It is also a great image of the resurrected Christ.  Jesus was not trying to hold the sheep out, but protect them from predators. We have been sheltering in place for weeks now.  Jesus used his voice and his body as protection and salvation for his flock.  On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, the Scriptures of the liturgy invite us into the divine dream, a safe and joyful communion to which God has destined all of creation.  We are the gate-keepers for many. It takes great patience, especially with the dissident and difficult.  We are the gate-keepers of a great vision of God for the human community—-a sheepfold of safety, pasture and rest.  We too easily can exclude as the unworthy and off color sheep. Yet those are often the ones we are called to shepherd in his name as he shepherded us literally… over his dead body.

BUT… his body was so full of God, so infused with life, that death could not even hold him.  He would call the sheep in his care to enclosure and safety with parables and miracles. He healed paralysis and blindness that appeared to contain life and hope.  We had been “gone astray” sheep says the First Letter of Peter, “but we have returned to the shepherd and guardian of our souls.”  His voice, if we pay close attention to the Scriptures and the silence between words, guides in right paths.  It also helps to travel together.  Maybe when my ears no longer hear the voice of the shepherd, someone else’s will.

This season of “Easters” continues to unfold –many new epiphanies of the Risen Christ.  His voice shepherds us as church into being good gatekeepers in his name. Keep in prayer everyone harmed by COVID 19 in our community, Phoenix-area and beyond. “Services” (another word for liturgy) have been daily live-streamed from our Basilica web-site and “service” to the underprivileged from our St. Vincent de Paul has continued here during the time of shelter in place.  We are assisting an average of 60 households each Saturday with volunteers and staff.  Even with social distancing, something is indeed happening here at St. Mary’s.

A gentle week.
Fr. Michael Weldon, OFM

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