Pastor’s Notes

“Pruned” Not the most appealing word. Sounds puckery!  But really it means to be “cut back, clipped off, or grafted to someone else’s trunk. It is not the easiest concept to get one’s hands around. Yet life clips our wings sometimes and regrafts us…

Pastor’s Notes

Holy Thursday, April 1, 2021 Rev. Michael Weldon, ofm  St. Mary’s Basilica Phoenix, AZ.  “…In Remembrance of Me! It is repeated over and over in the readings of this sacred night. How do we remember? The Christ in particular – how do we actively…

Pastor’s Notes

“Easters” Flowers were everywhere this season! Since the great vigil on Holy Saturday, flowers have been banked especially around the altar and Easter Candle. The smell and visual image of the “Felices pascuas floridas” is a powerful sign of the paschal mysteries we have…