Pastor’s Notes

Perfectly NON-HARMING At the University of New Mexico a few years back, a professor gave his students an opportunity to evaluate his course at the end of the semester.  One student said…”I liked the course, but I felt that the professor put too much…

Pastor’s Notes

“Thou Mayest!” Did you ever read John Steinbeck’s novel East of Eden?  There is a great scene toward the end of the book in which Chinese cooks and wizened elders from San Francisco China Town, study a Hebrew text from “Sirach,” part of this…

Pastor’s Notes

WATCH YOUR SALT “ & “WE’LL LEAVE THE LIGHT ON FOR YOU.” Decent “advices.”  Most of us receive the “sermon on the salt” somewhere in the beginning of our fifties.  Together with the call to “exercise” and “cut your saturated fat,” the journey of…